Th Offenses of Marijuana Possession in Fort Myers, Florida

15feb 2019
Marijuana possession charges vary depending on the level of punishment of violations. You may be fine with jail imprisonment, fine and worst is felony. Consult the best attorney in Fort Myers.

When you consult Peter M. Dennis, P.A., a marijuana possession attorney Cape Coral, you will probably be advised that there are several tiers you could be charged with of marijuana possession in South Florida including cultivation or trafficking. When caught, you will be put in jail and will have very heavy fines and even have a criminal record which likely has harsh punishments.

The first criminal charge a person has experienced is marijuana possession most of the time. If this happens, it is at the front of your do list that selecting Peter M. Dennis, P.A., the best attorney is necessary when facing marijuana possession case because any of these charges could be taken from a state to federal level.

After charges for an alleged cannabis crime, a marijuana possession attorney Fort Myers can be your confidant that will help protect your future. Considering that marijuana is a controlled substance, this cannot be delivered or sold by a person and this includes possessing with the intent to sell, manufacture, or deliver an illegal substance in Florida. This means criminal drug charges. Your marijuana possession attorney Cape Coral can be your voice in court for this.

In Florida, possession of marijuana is defined as having actual or constructive possession of the substance. When the marijuana is located inside your pocket or in your hands, it is called "Actual Possession".

It is "Constructive Possession" if a person has the intent to take actual possession of it because he/she knows that the substance is within his/her reach. The more you possess, the greater the charges. With possession of 20 grams or less of marijuana a person could have first-degree misdemeanor charges and could be punishable by up to 12 months (1 year) in jail or with a fine amounting to 1,000 dollars or both. A person charged with more than 25 grams of possession of marijuana has the potential third-degree felony charges and with up to 5 years of imprisonment or a fine of 5,000 dollars or both. Third-degree felony charges could mean 15 years in prison and 10,000 dollars is charged when possessing more than 25 plants. Possession of drug paraphernalia like rolling papers or pipes and bongs is not legal.

Looking for a marijuana possession attorney Fort Myers? The Law Office of Peter M. Dennis, P.A. can get you through a marijuana possession charge. Contact (239) 800-0399 today for a free initial consultation or visit our website at Assistance is available 24/7.

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Peter M. Dennis, P. A. Fort Myers Personal Attorney