3 Tips To Do When You Get Caught for DUI Violation for the First Time Cape Coral, Florida

22mar 2019
Florida laws provide for that the charge of DUI is not limited to the actual act of driving, but also to the operation or physical control of a vehicle under a certain degree of influence of alcohol.

Driving under influence or DUI Fort Myers FL is as much a concern as driving while texting. In most states, a first-time DUI is a misdemeanor that is punishable by a maximum jail-time of six months. If it is not too bad for you, property damages, physical injury and even fatalities attributed to it, and other factors, could worsen the severity of the punishment.

Whilst a first offense may seem to the naïve too trouble-free to mind, in many cases, the offender gets snarled up in various legal impediments, and their implications.

In Florida, DUI Fort Myers FL is charged to motorists caught who register a 0.8%-or-higher blood alcohol concentration (BAC), regardless of them being impaired or not. Florida laws further provide for that the charge of DUI is not limited to the actual act of driving, but also to the operation or physical control of a vehicle under a certain degree of influence of alcohol, drugs or the combination of these; so, the same may be charged to a substance-influenced-motorist with keys in hand and whose hands are on the steering wheel of a car in a parking lot, even if the car has not been moved a single inch.

 Here is a list of what a suspected DUI Cape Coral FL motorist can do best when apprehended the first time.

1. When asked questions, remember you not legally compelled to answer. Inform the cops that you would like to speak with an attorney.

2. When asked by to perform NHTSA’s (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) Standardized Field Sobriety Test (SFST)–the horizontal gaze nystagmus (HGN), the walk-and-turn, and the one-leg stand tests–remember, again, you not legally compelled to.

3. Immediately after, or better yet, even before cops and other people could make it to the scene of the incident, contact a DUI lawyer.

If you are from Cape Coral, Fort Myers, or Lehigh Acres, FL caught for perceived drunk driving, you can look for a reliable DUI attorney. Call Peter M. Dennis M.D. at (239) 800-0399 for a free initial consultation. Browse at https://www.peterdennislaw.com/dui-arrest-defense/ for more details.

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