What are the Consequences of a Theft Case in Fort Myers, Florida?

25jun 2019
Theft case classifies into three degrees depending on the amount of stolen property and can be convicted as a crime. Get an expert attorney that knows more about Florida Law like Peter M. Dennis, P. A.

Being charged with any crime is going to send ripples of changes in anyone’s life. And if you are charged with a theft criminal case, this will not only change your life and affect your family, it will also taint your personal record. This will haunt you every time you are looking for a job. That is why getting the best theft attorney Fort Myers FL – Peter M. Dennis Law is necessary when you are faced with theft. The fight to protect your reputation and your life must go to the hands of a criminal defense attorney who actually cares for your well-being and will inform you about the nooks and crannies of the case.

If you are faced with a theft case, what are the consequences if you are convicted?

In Florida, the law distinguishes between petit (petty) crimes and grand theft. The higher the value of the stolen good, the graver the punishment for the crime. 

The act becomes “petty theft” if the stolen property’s value is less than $100. This is generally punishable with up to 60 days in jail and a maximum fine of $500.

When it comes to first degree petit theft, the stolen property is more than $100 but less than $300. Jail time is maximum of 12 months and a fine of no more than $1,000 if convicted.

Third degree grand theft happens when the properties stolen are differently valued with a maximum of 5 years in jail and $5,000 fine.

Second degree grand theft means the property range from $20,000 to $100,000 in value. Stealing emergency equipment worth $300 or more and cargo worth less than $50,000 can also get you convicted with this crime, thus, facing a maximum of 15 years jail time and $10,000 fine.


First degree grand theft is the most serious of them all and you can face up to 30 years imprisonment and a maximum of $10,000 for it.

Facing theft? Get a theft attorney Fort Myers FL or a criminal defense lawyer who knows more about Florida law. Contact Peter M. Dennis Law P.A. at (239) 800-0399 or message 
here for a free initial consultation in Fort Myers, Cape Coral, and Lehigh Acres.

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Peter M. Dennis, P. A. Fort Myers Personal Attorney