Articles and publications

5/27/2019 The Penalty for Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) in Cape Coral, Florida
Driving while intoxicated may cause accidents to happen along the road. There are three offenses when caught for a possible DWI charge. Peter M. Dennis, P. A. is the best DWI attorney in Fort Myers.
5/27/2019 What is Difference between Homicide and Murder Crime n Fort Myers, Florida?
A criminal law Fort Myers, Florida attorney may explain to you the key difference between murder and manslaughter. There are degrees of murder as per classification of committed crime.
4/25/2019 Motorcycle Accidents Common Causes in Fort Myers, Florida
The road is dangerous and you must be careful when driving a motorcycle because there are various common causes that make a motorcycle to be unstable. Seek a personal injury attorney for legal advice.
4/17/2019 Sleeping Behind the Wheel - Is It a DUI Offense in Florida?
Sleeping in your car is not illegal, but depending on the circumstances. Consult a DUI attorney in Fort Myers for proper legal steps once you've charges.
3/22/2019 3 Tips To Do When You Get Caught for DUI Violation for the First Time Cape Coral, Florida
Florida laws provide for that the charge of DUI is not limited to the actual act of driving, but also to the operation or physical control of a vehicle under a certain degree of influence of alcohol.
3/11/2019 Filing for a Brain or Head & Spinal Cord Injury Claim in Fort Myers, Florida
A head and spinal personal injury claim Fort Myers, FL can be filed in court against the alleged responsible individual or individuals. Consult Peter M. Dennis, P. A. in Fort Myers, FL.
2/15/2019 What are the Work Related Injuries in Florida?
The top 5 most common work-related injuries employees should be aware of in order to claim their worker compensation benefit. Seek legal assistance from an expert attorney in Fort Myers & Cape Coral.
2/15/2019 Th Offenses of Marijuana Possession in Fort Myers, Florida
Marijuana possession charges vary depending on the level of punishment of violations. You may be fine with jail imprisonment, fine and worst is felony. Consult the best attorney in Fort Myers.
Peter M. Dennis, P. A. Fort Myers Personal Attorney